2013. november 22., péntek

Elderly Home- Leeuwarden

The morning shift  start at 7:15 , the first thing to do is drinking coffie or tea . The work starts at 7:45. Every nurse has own clients they have a special bell if they push it the nurse's phone is ringing . Every clients has own apartments and they have modern tools. For example one client has a robohand it belongs to his wheelchair and with that hand he can eat. They use smart computers what with they can open the doors and turn of or on the lights. Here its tipical .

I usually work with a nurse who try to explain to me everything and teach me. I got to know lots of new machine and tool.  For example here is an elevator its used for movement the clients.  The most common tasks are feeding, drinking, help in showering. I saw a sonda that i have never seen  before . Thats name McKey-sonda and the condom-catheter was also new for me.

Elevetor for mobilisation

At 10 O'clock arrive the time for a break again . During that time the nurses and the students talked about the client's problems and their day .At 10:30 everybody start to go to their own clients. We do the tasks from the list. Feeding, Showering, Mobilizations , Washing the clients we do that untill 12:00 o'clock then the lunch time start. We finish at 15:30 .

At the evening we arrive home that day was Anett's birthday . Szasza backed to her a birthdaycake .
Happy Birthday Anett! :)

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